2025-06-12 – Tavlebragd Weaving Technique (In-Person)



June 12-15 (9:00 am-5:00 pm CT)


Caroline Feyling


This is an in-person class held at Vesterheim Folk Art School. 


Tavlebragd is an iconic overshot weave structure where a pattern weft floats over a ground of plain weave cloth. In the U.S., we often think of it as the Monk's Belt motif, which consists of blocks of flowers framed by vertical stripes. However, this block weave technique has a wealth of pattern possibilities.

In this class, students will weave a cottolin and wool table runner in tavlebragd technique. Discover the beauty of this two-block pattern while learning to manage two shuttles and read profile drafts. The focus of this class is design exploration and translating designs into weaving drafts. We will be exploring pieces in the Vesterheim collection and using them as inspiration for our own work. This class is suitable for novices who wish to learn overshot and intermediate students who would like to expand their drafting skills.

This class requires the ability to see fine details, bend down, and sit for extended periods.


Level of Instruction: 

Novice/intermediate, students should know how to dress a loom. We will quickly go over the set up together but not in extreme depth. The focus of this class is design, and drafting/knowledge of weaving drafts is useful but not necessary.


There will be $20 materials fee payable to the instructor. This includes a pre-wound cottolin warp and material for the background weft. The class will be making a field trip to Blue Heron to purchase Rauma Prydvev Garn. Students can expect to spend around $60 depending on the number of colors they choose.

Enrollment Deadline: 

May 22, 2025


Click here to learn more about instructor Caroline Feyling.


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