2025-06-02 – Level 1 Introduction to Tapestry Weaving (Online)



Six Mondays, June 2-July 7 (6:00-8:00 pm CT)


Laura Berlage


This is an online class hosted on Zoom. 


Curious about how tapestries are made and ready to try your hand at pictorial weaving? This most ancient form of textile creation is rich with history and an invitation for creative expression. Master weaver Laura Berlage will take you on a multi-week journey into the magical world of tapestry, where you will learn to transform warp and weft into a peaceful sunset landscape, measuring approximately 10 x 10 inches. Starting with a simple frame loom, focus will be given to establishing good tapestry technique and learning the process for horizontal and angled forms – beginning with foundational geometrics and building into more naturalistic forms. Fundamentals of cartoon creation and shading will also be covered, and we'll explore tapestry pieces from Vesterheim's collection along the way. Unlock the mystery of how tapestries are made and add these skills to your expressions in fiber. Join us for this welcoming online class!


Level of instruction: 

Beginner - this class is suitable for complete beginners to tapestry weaving.


This class includes a kit shipped to your home with a simple frame loom, stick shed dowel, two large eye tatting needles, wool yarn for the project, a hand comb/beater, a spool of cotton warp, and a special treat from Vesterheim (a $140 value).

If you are registering for this class in a location outside the United States, you will need to provide your own supplies. Please contact folkartschool@vesterheim.org when you register for more information about what materials are required for this class. 

Additional Supplies:

Students will need to provide a computer, laptop, or tablet with a camera and mic as well as a fast, reliable internet connection.

Special Instructions:  

When registering for the class, please make sure to use the mailing and email addresses you'd like the Zoom meeting invitations sent to. You will receive links to the Zoom sessions by email sometime during the week prior to the class. If this class is a gift, please sign up with the recipient's mailing and email addresses or be prepared to forward the kit and all communications.

Enrollment Deadline: 

May 12, 2025


Click here to learn more about instructor Laura Berlage.


Vesterheim’s 2025 online programming is supported in part by a generous gift to the Vesterheim Annual Fund from Sons of Norway - Noreg Lodge 3-466.

Supported in part by a generous gift to the Vesterheim Annual Fund from Kate and Paul Scott.

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Tuition :
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