2025-09-24 – Scandinavian Flat-Plane Figure Carving: Sleeping Fox (Online)



Three Wednesdays, September 24-October 8 (6:00-7:30 pm CT)



Charles Banks



This is an online class hosted on Zoom. 


Join carver Charles Banks as he guides you through the creation of your very own flat plane figure carving. For this class, we will carve a Scandinavian classic, a stylized Sleeping Fox.

Following the tradition of flat plane figure carving, you will use only a single knife to carve out this character. You will receive an overview of the history and traditions of this style of carving, be introduced to the cuts and techniques of the reductive carving process, and learn finishing techniques – all culminating in your very own carving. Live instruction and video tutorials will be utilized as educational tools, as well as practice sticks and printed imagery of your character.



A complete kit of materials, valued at $70, includes blanks, a knife, safety gloves, a strop and stropping compound, try sticks, and a sweet treat from Vesterheim. It is included in the cost of registration and will be mailed to you!

Please note: Glove size chart can be found below:


Please note:

Students who have taken online carving classes from Charles Banks through Vesterheim in the past and previously received class supplies can register for the class with a partial kit to receive only the blanks, try sticks, and sweet treat. If you select this option, you will be responsible for providing your own Pinewood Forge carving knife, safety glove, strop, and stropping compound.

If you are registering for this class in a location outside the United States, you will need to provide your own supplies. Please contact folkartschool@vesterheim.org when you register for more information about what materials are required for this class. 

Additional Supplies:

Students will need to provide a computer, laptop, or tablet with a camera and mic as well as a fast, reliable internet connection.

Special Instructions:  

When registering for the class, please make sure to use the mailing and email addresses you'd like the Zoom meeting invitations sent to. You will receive links to the Zoom sessions by email sometime during the week prior to the class. If this class is a gift, please sign up with the recipient's mailing and email addresses or be prepared to forward the kit and all communications.

Enrollment Deadline: 

September 7, 2025


Click here to learn more about instructor Charles Banks.


Return to Folk Art School main page and class list.

Tuition :
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