Charles Banks
from $150.00
2025-03-05 — Scandinavian Flat Plane Figure Carving: Lofoten Islands Fisherman (Online)
Schedule: Three Wednesdays, March 5-19 (6:00-7:30 pm CT) Instructor: Charles Banks Location: This is an online class hosted on Zoom. Join carver Charles Banks as he guides you through the creation of your very own flat plane...
from $150.00
2024-11-06-Scandinavian Figure Carving: Tomte (Online)
Schedule: Three Wednesdays, November 6-20 (6:00-7:30 pm CT) Instructor: Charles Banks Location: This is an online class hosted on Zoom. Interested in carving a “Scandi Classic” to help spruce up your home for the holidays? Join carver...
from $150.00