Troll Blank by Harley Refsal
Scandinavian trolls were once huge, menacing creatures - so huge, in fact that the impressions left by their footprints, when filled with water, account for Scandinavia's many lakes. But through the years those trolls shrank in size, and now, 21st...
Troll Skier Blank by Harley Refsel
This fellow is modeled after an actual stout, short lovable troll named Per, who regularly goes to the mountains around his home. Per the troll is ready to carve in the flat plane style of the late Harley Refsal.  ...
Viking Warrior 1 Blank by Harley Refsal
If anyone ever tries to pick a fight with you, it would be good to have this fierce looking Viking at your side. This Viking is ready to carve in the flat plane style of the late Harley Refsal. 3 1/2...

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